Inspector Cluedo Geocache Series

What's this all about?

This web site is for geocachers playing the "Inspector Cluedo" series of caches on the Bedfordshire - Hertfordshire border. The series follows the basic rules of the popular family board game 'Cluedo', in which players try to discover who killed Dr Black, the weapon they used and where the crime was committed inside Tudor Mansion.

Players need to visit each of six geocaches hidden in the area to discover clues to the crime. Each cache contains three cards that can eliminate potential solution elements from the investigation (suspect, weapon, room). Once all six caches have been found, there will remain only three cards unseen: the murderer, their weapon of choice and the crime scene.

Each suspect's cache also contains an access code to allow the geocacher to make an online suggestion using this web site. This should enable the elimination of another element or confirm the final solution (if none of the suspects can disprove the suggestion). The cards held by the suspects on the web site match those found in the suspect's geocache.

However, geocachers can use a specific access code only once to make a suggestion. Geocaching is about getting out into the fresh air and finding cleverly hidden containers, so this web site is really only here to enable the final solution to be confirmed or to enable the contents of a missing cache to be discovered if it goes AWOL for a period. A number of 'protection measures' are in place to prevent players from getting a significant advantage to solving the crime solely by using the web site. All suggestions are recorded and any 'unusual' behaviour may result in the site being taken down. Please don't spoil the game for other players.

In addition to the six suspects' geocaches, there will be six travel bugs moving from cache to cache in the two counties area. There is one travel bug for each potential weapon used in the crime. If players retrieve one of these travellers then they will discover if it contains the murder weapon and whether any other suspects or rooms can be eliminated. A different combination of cards is used on the weapon travel bugs, but the solution is the same.

The crime can be solved by visiting the suspects' geocaches, finding the weapon trackables and making effective use of the suggestions web site. A combination of all three approaches will probably be needed.

Once the crime is solved, the information can be used to discover the location of a seventh, solution cache and the body!

Making a suggestion on the web site

As in the board game, players get to make a suggestion as to who they think killed Dr Black, the weapon used and the room in which it occured. Once the suggestion is made the other players must disprove the suggestion by showing one card from the suggested trio if they hold it in their hand. The opportunity to disprove moves round the players until someone is able to show a card secretly to the suggestor or nobody can respond.

On the web site, players make a suggestion and enter the access code for one of the suspects' geocaches they have found. Starting with the next player on from the suspect whose code is used (using the traditional order of play) the contents of the geocaches are used to respond to the suggestion.

For example, if the Mrs Peacock geocache holds the cards for Dagger, Study and Kitchen then when a player uses Rev Green's access code and suggests "Miss Scarlett in the Study with the Dagger" the web page will inform the player that Mrs Peacock can disprove the suggestion and randomly display one card from Study and Dagger (since they both appear in the suggestion). If the suggestion is "Rev Green in the Lounge with the Rope" then Mrs Peacock cannot disprove the suggestion and the contents of Professor Plum's cache are used to try to respond.

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